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How I Manifested My Dream Home & Why it takes more than just Nutrition to Heal the Gut

Heather Woodruff

This is the most beautiful story of how I manifested my dream home…

As many of you already know I have been home hunting aggressively for a long time (9 months to be exact). We sold our Vancouver condo last fall with the plan of buying a townhouse in the Oceanside city of Port Moody, BC. We wanted to be closer to the earth and ocean with more space to raise our spunky 2 year old girl.

A few months after selling the condo our new home had yet to appear so we moved into the ground level of my in-laws house and kept looking. I started getting anxious, impatient and considered lowering our standards. Was a beautiful 3+ bedroom home surrounded by nature asking too much?


Then while in a serendipitous conversation with a Psychic she told me that it was going to take a lot longer than we thought to find our new home. For some reason this news did not upset me. It made me take a deep breath and completely release my time expectations. I knew that a home… OUR home would come at the right time when we were ready for it.


This doesn’t mean I sat on my butt for the next several months just waiting. We looked at every single home that even resembled what we were hoping to have the moment it went on the market.

But I also did something else; I kept our dream home in my head always. I thought about how it would feel to wake up early in the morning before the rest of the world was awake, walk down the stairs, make a chai tea in my bright white kitchen and sit at the table as the sun was poking through the trees. I thought about how peaceful it would be, how quiet, how magical. I imagined exploring the forest with my daughter and how my home office would look. I imagined sitting in the backyard drinking a glass of wine with my handsome husband and breathing in rich forest air.

I thought about this often, and by often I mean multiple times a day. I wrote it in my journal ‘we live in a beautiful home surrounded by nature’ and continued to go to open house after open house. A few places came close, we even put an offer on one which we were out-bid (the universe clearly stepping in wanting us to wait just a little longer). These other places logically made a lot of sense but something just didn’t feel right about them.


Then on May 22nd at 2:22pm with 33% battery left on my phone I received an email alert for a new property listing. I am extremely mindful of double numbers as they show up often for me and usually during times when I need to stop and pay attention. I knew before opening the email that this one was going to be special.

The place sounded perfect and we arranged to see it that night. I walked in and immediately saw MY bright white kitchen and knew this was our home. It was surrounded in nature, finished exactly how I would decorate it and had the perfect wine sipping patio space. It also had an amazing perk I hadn’t realized was so important to me… Easily walk/bike-able to the ocean, village, my yoga studio, etc. The thought of using my feet and bike as my primary mode of transportation again made me deliriously happy. Most of the other places we looked at were much higher up the mountain making a carless lifestyle next to impossible. I had thought I was ok with this, but clearly the universe knew better.

That’s the funny thing about being perfectly aligned with your goal; the universe gives you what you want and even the stuff you didn’t know you wanted. (Thanks universe!)

We had an accepted offer within 24 hours.


I am telling you this story today because I want you to be aware of how powerful your thoughts and dreams can be. How ‘expect the worst and hope for the best’ mentality just doesn’t cut it. I want you to unapologetically dream big especially with your health goals and imagine how it would feel to be there in that exact moment. Imagine yourself eating out at the new restaurant in town and ordering exactly what you want from the menu without worrying what it might do to your irritable belly. Visualize trying on a slim fitting dress that shows off your flat un-bloated tummy or booking a trip to India and know without a doubt your gut can handle it. And when the fear or doubt kicks in (and I promise you friend, it will), recognize it, make space for it and release it.

Think often about how it would feel to be the most healthful version of yourself, then take as much inspired action as humanly possible. Join a support group, pay attention to the resources coming your way, especially if you see them multiple times (PS: this is no coincidence).Learn, grow and just go for it, rather than waiting for a ‘better time’.

Because I promise you, it is all possible!

Start taking action so you can dream big with your health goals, download your FREE 3 Day Meal Plan for IBS Flare Ups

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