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When a Labtest Gives More Questions

Heather Woodruff

‘I don’t know what to eat!’ exclaimed Amanda as she grasped her IgG Food Sensitivity test frantically in her hands and frustration filled her voice. Her story was familiar to me… Amanda had started having a lot digestive issues a few years ago; bloating, gas, very soft stools and after numerous tests by her doctor was ‘officially’ diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Determined to not spend her life running to the bathroom at inopportune times she sought out having a laboratory IgG Food Sensitivity Test done for her to hopefully shed some light. Unfortunately almost everything on the test reacted in some form or another. Amanda was terrified at the idea of trying to eliminate 120 food items. The first thing I did was put the food sensitivity test down and had her take 3 deep breaths. (Almost everyone needs to be talked off the ledge after receiving a test like that). I have seen more than a few clients with stories similar to Amanda’s and it’s exactly why I created The Calm Your Program which teaches people the exact protocol to pinpoint their unique gut triggers.

What did this test mean? An IgG Food Sensitivity Test where everything is reacting does not necessarily mean you are sensitive to every single one of these foods. It means at least two things… 1. The immune system is overreacting to almost everything being eaten. Since roughly 85% of the immune system resides in the gut, digestive imbalances may be causing the body to get confused over what is friend or foe.

2. Leaky gut (or increased intestinal permeability) is probably the culprit. This means larger unbroken down food particles, pathogens and toxins can slip right through the gate into the blood stream. The body then identifies these as foreign and launches a full scale attack. This equals high amounts of inflammation in the body and a gigantic list of symptoms that probably brought you to your doctor to begin with. What did we do? In cases like Amanda’s, I ignore the test and recommend transitioning to a proven diet we know calms the gut and replacing 3 or more of the top 7 food sensitivities: dairy, gluten, soy, corn, eggs, citrus and nightshade vegetables. Then do a properly timed reintroduction to confirm which foods are actually causing an inflammatory response in the body. This can help to decrease the inflammation and make room in the body for healing. This whole process is easily outlined in The Calm Your Program which supports you in determining your food sensitivities with 100% accuracy. I think IgG Food Sensitivities Tests can be helpful for shedding some light on our health, but they are sometimes not reliable and I always encourage people try The Calm Your Gut Program first.

Download your FREE Web Class: How to Transform Everyday Meals into Powerful Gut Healers. Get it here:

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