2lbs (900g) organic cabbage
4 tsp unrefined salt
Rinse cabbage in water, peel off the large outer cabbage leaves and set aside (you will need these later!).
Cut cabbage into quarters, remove the core and slice thinly. Alternatively, you can use the slicing attachment on your food processor if you have one.
Add cabbage and salt to a glass (not stainless steel) mixing bowl and begin to knead and massage with your hands until the juices begin to release. This will take a varied amount of time depending on the cabbage (5-10min). There should be enough juice that you can squeeze it out of a handful of cabbage.
Pack the mixture into a large jar (or 2 small ones) until cabbage is submerged in its own juice. You can also add a little extra water to ensure it is submerged. Then use the clean outer cabbage leaves to fold over top of the cabbage and press the juice and cabbage down. Leave at least 2 inches of space between leaves and opening of the jar because cabbage will expand as it ferments.
Seal with a lid and leave the cabbage to ‘bubble’ and ferment for at least 1 week, and up to 30 days (depending on how sour or crunchy you like it) in a room temperature space. Place on a plate or bowl just in case sauerkraut bubbles over a little.
After it’s done fermenting, open the jar and discard the outer leaves from top of the jar. Store in the fridge to slow the fermenting and enjoy it’s healing goodness!
Use as a condiment alongside almost every dish. My personal favourite is to add a tablespoon or two to soups or stews. (Make sure to cool slightly first so as not to kill the probiotics in the sauerkraut).
While I love all the amazing quality brands of fermented foods out there now, I have a personal belief that those created in our own kitchen end up taking on the exact probiotic variety that our body, belly and brain need.
Even in labs, they have found that batches of sauerkraut will contain different species of probiotics based on where the cabbage was grown, who handled it, which store it was in, and finally who sunk their hands into the shredded pieces to turn it into delicious sauerkraut.
Cabbage is high in vitamin A and C. Vitamin A helps to heal and strengthen mucosal linings of the gut and respiratory tract. The Fermentation process that turns it into sauerkraut also opens the cell walls of the cabbage, making an even higher ratio of vitamins available. It is believed that sauerkraut has 20 times more bio-available Vitamin C than a pre-fermented head of cabbage because of this!